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News From The Turbo Team

How Does a Breathalyzer Work?

On behalf of Trbovich Law Firm
September 10, 2024
How Does a Breathalyzer Work?
As a Buffalo DWI/DUI defense law firm, we often encounter clients asking, "how does a breathalyzer work?," and their role in DWI/DUI cases. Understanding how these devices function is crucial for anyone facing charges related to drinking and driving. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the inner workings of breathalyzers, their accuracy, and what you...
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5 Mistakes to Avoid If You're Pulled Over for DWI in Buffalo

On behalf of Trbovich Law Firm
August 9, 2024
5 Mistakes to Avoid If You're Pulled Over for DWI in Buffalo
Being pulled over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated (DWI) can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. At Trbovich Law Firm, we've seen many cases where individuals unknowingly compromised their legal position during a traffic stop. To help you navigate this challenging situation, we've compiled a list of five common mistakes to avoid if you're...
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What Is Vehicular Manslaughter?

On behalf of Trbovich Law Firm
July 7, 2024
What Is Vehicular Manslaughter?
Vehicular manslaughter is a serious criminal charge that can have life-altering consequences. If you're facing such charges in Buffalo, New York, it's crucial to understand what vehicular manslaughter entails and how an experienced criminal defense attorney can help protect your rights. What Is Vehicular Manslaughter? Vehicular manslaughter occurs when a person causes the death of...
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When Do You Need a Lawyer for a DUI/DWI Charge?

On behalf of Trbovich Law Firm
June 7, 2024
When Do You Need a Lawyer for a DUI/DWI Charge?
Facing a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge can be a daunting experience, with potential legal, personal, and professional consequences. In such situations, the guidance of a seasoned lawyer is not just beneficial; it's often crucial. This blog explores the scenarios where hiring a lawyer for a DUI/DWI charge becomes...
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What are My Rights in a NYC Sobriety Test?

On behalf of Trbovich Law Firm
May 7, 2024
What are My Rights in a NYC Sobriety Test?
Navigating a sobriety test in Buffalo, NY can be intimidating, especially if you're unsure about your legal rights and obligations. Understanding these rights can significantly impact how you handle the situation and can help protect you if you're suspected of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Here at Trbovich Law Firm, we...
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