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Traffic Stop Results in DUI of Marijuana Charge in New York

Traffic Stop Results in DUI of Marijuana Charge in New York

April 15, 2019

Some people may hold the mistaken idea that only certain individuals wind up facing criminal charges. However, that is not the case. In fact, anyone could end up in a situation where criminal charges are brought against them because life is unpredictable. For instance, a person pulled over for a minor traffic violation could face more serious charges for DUI of marijuana.

One man in New York is currently facing this type of tribulation. According to recent reports, the man was driving a vehicle when a police officer pulled him over for speeding. The officer apparently suspected other violations and conducted a further investigation. Details of what that investigation entailed were not given in the report, but it presumably involved a search.

The investigation resulted in the officer taking the man into custody. He is currently facing multiple charges, including driving under the influence of marijuana, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was taken to a county jail for processing. It was also noted that he would have a preliminary hearing regarding the charges at a later time. Additional information may become available in the near future.

It can be difficult for individuals to determine what type of approach they should take to their criminal cases. This man will certainly want to utilize a defense strategy that best suits the accusations of DUI of marijuana and other charges he faces. It may prove useful to him to obtain reliable information about his case from local New York legal resources as he works to effectively handle his predicament.

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