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News Category: DUI/DWI/DWAITraffic Tickets

Numerous Speeding Tickets Result from Police Operation

When police conduct specific operations, it is common for multiple people to find themselves in trouble with the law. In some cases, the trouble may be relatively minor, such as facing speeding tickets after a crackdown. Still, tickets can have negative repercussions for drivers, and many may want to consider their options for fighting against...
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Aggravated Charge Likely Has Man Looking into DWI Defense

Dealing with the repercussions of a mistake can take a toll on anyone. If a person faces criminal charges for driving while intoxicated, it can come with a number of potential consequences. Of course, anyone in this type of predicament can work on a DWI defense in efforts to lessen those potential negative outcomes. One...
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What Traffic Violation Did an Officer Accuse You Of?

Traffic stops are common events that many drivers see as they travel the roads and that they may find themselves in at some point. The outcomes of these stops may vary as officers could let some drivers off with a warning, issue a ticket or citation, or even take a driver into custody if officers...
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Waiting Possible When Trying to Fight Traffic Tickets

Getting pulled over by police for an alleged traffic violation can be frustrating for any driver. Of course, individuals have the opportunity to fight against traffic tickets if they feel it suits their situations. While this may seem like a simple step to take, it can prove complicated to take legal action in any event....
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Woman Likely Exploring DWI Defense Options After Felony Charge

It can sometimes take just moments for a person to wind up in a difficult predicament and then take months or years to address the effects of the ordeal. This type of outcome is not unusual for individuals who have been charged with DWI. A momentary lapse in judgment or driving error could raise the...
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Speeding Tickets Issued in New York School Zone

There are many areas and certain times where police may enforce the law more heavily. For instance, authorities often crack down on violations that occur in school zones, and it is common for speeding tickets and other citations to result. In some cases, police departments may even set up specific detail assignments to target these...
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What Outcomes Could Stem from a Traffic Stop?

You are likely among the numerous people in New York who drive a vehicle on a regular basis. Though you try to remain a safe and courteous driver the majority of the time, everyone can have a lapse in judgment while behind the wheel. Hopefully, your actions have never caused a car accident, but they...
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Traffic Stop Results in DUI of Marijuana Charge in New York

Some people may hold the mistaken idea that only certain individuals wind up facing criminal charges. However, that is not the case. In fact, anyone could end up in a situation where criminal charges are brought against them because life is unpredictable. For instance, a person pulled over for a minor traffic violation could face...
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St. Paddy’s Day Results in Thousands of New York Traffic Tickets

Though St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone, many individuals may still be feeling the repercussions of that weekend, especially if they were on the roads. Across New York state, police departments carried out initiatives to spot impaired drivers on the roads. Because drunk drivers were not the only focus, numerous traffic tickets were issued....
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Speed Enforcement Operation Results in 45 Speeding Tickets

During various times of the year, various police departments put special focus on particular stretches of road or on specific violations. Most New York drivers have likely seen DWI roadblocks around certain holidays or have seen multiple police officers staked out on certain highways while on the lookout for speeding vehicles. When these operations are...
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