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Buffalo Moving Violation Lawyer

Are you facing a moving violation in Buffalo or Western New York? At Trbovich Law Firm, our experienced moving violation lawyers are here to help you navigate the legal system and protect your driving record. With years of experience handling various traffic offenses, our moving violation attorneys understand the potential consequences of these charges and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. Contact us today for immediate assistance.

What Are Moving Violations in Buffalo?

Buffalo Moving Violation Lawyer

A moving violation is any traffic offense that occurs while a vehicle is in motion. These violations can range from minor infractions to more serious offenses, each carrying its own set of penalties and potential impacts on your driving record. As experienced moving violation lawyers, we handle a wide range of cases, including:

  • Speeding tickets
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Reckless driving
  • Tailgating Traffic Ticket
  • Improper lane changes
  • Failure to yield
  • Texting while driving
  • Driving without a license or with a suspended license

The Importance of Hiring a Moving Violation Lawyer

Many people underestimate the impact a moving violation can have on their lives. While it may seem easier to simply pay the fine and move on, doing so can lead to long-term consequences. Here's why hiring a moving violation attorney is crucial:

Protect Your Driving Record

Every moving violation adds points to your driving record. Accumulating too many points can lead to license suspension or revocation. A skilled moving violation lawyer can work to reduce or dismiss charges, helping you maintain a clean driving record.

Avoid Insurance Premium Increases

Moving violations often result in higher insurance premiums. By fighting the charges with the help of a moving violation attorney, you may be able to avoid these costly increases.

Preserve Your Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

For commercial drivers, moving violations can be particularly damaging. A conviction could jeopardize your CDL and, consequently, your livelihood. A moving violation lawyer who understands the unique challenges faced by commercial drivers can be invaluable in these situations.

Navigate Complex Legal Procedures

Traffic court can be confusing and intimidating for those unfamiliar with the process. A moving violation attorney can guide you through the legal system, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

Explore All Available Options

An experienced traffic ticket lawyer will examine all aspects of your case, identifying potential defenses and exploring options you may not have known were available.

How Our Moving Violation Lawyers Can Help

At Trbovich Law Firm, our moving violation attorneys employ a comprehensive approach to handling your case:

Thorough Case Evaluation

Our traffic lawyers begin by conducting a detailed review of your case, examining the circumstances of the alleged violation, the evidence against you, and any potential procedural errors made by law enforcement.

Strategic Defense Planning

Based on our evaluation, we develop a tailored defense strategy designed to achieve the best possible outcome for your specific situation.

Negotiation with Prosecutors

Our moving violation lawyers have established relationships with local prosecutors and can often negotiate for reduced charges or penalties.

Court Representation

If your case goes to trial, our experienced moving violation attorneys will provide skilled representation in court, presenting a compelling defense on your behalf.

Handling of Administrative Procedures

We'll manage all necessary paperwork and administrative tasks, ensuring deadlines are met and your rights are protected throughout the process.

Common Moving Violations and Their Consequences

As moving violation lawyers, we handle a wide range of traffic offenses. Here's an overview of some common violations and their potential consequences:


Speeding is one of the most common moving violations. Penalties can vary based on how far over the speed limit you were driving:

  • 1-10 mph over: 3 points on your license
  • 11-20 mph over: 4 points
  • 21-30 mph over: 6 points
  • 31-40 mph over: 8 points
  • 41+ mph over: 11 points

In addition to points, you may face fines ranging from $45 to $600, plus surcharges. A moving violation attorney can often negotiate to reduce these penalties or have the charges dismissed entirely.

Running Red Lights or Stop Signs

Failing to stop at a red light or stop sign can result in 3 points on your license and fines of up to $450. Our moving violation lawyers can challenge these charges by examining traffic camera footage or questioning the officer's vantage point.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is a serious offense that can result in 5 points on your license, fines of up to $300, and even potential jail time. As experienced moving violation attorneys, we understand the subjective nature of reckless driving charges and can often build a strong defense against these allegations.

Texting While Driving

With increased awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, penalties for texting while driving have become more severe. A first offense can result in 5 points on your license and a fine of up to $200. Subsequent offenses carry even harsher penalties. A skilled moving violation lawyer can challenge the evidence in these cases, potentially leading to reduced charges or dismissal.

The Impact of Moving Violations on Your Driving Record

Understanding how moving violations affect your driving record is crucial. In New York, the point system works as follows:

  • Accumulating 11 points within 18 months can result in license suspension.
  • Certain violations, like driving while intoxicated, can lead to immediate suspension or revocation, regardless of points.
  • Points remain on your record for 18 months from the date of the violation.

As moving violation attorneys, we work to minimize the impact on your driving record by fighting to reduce or dismiss charges whenever possible.

Strategies Employed by Our Moving Violation Lawyers

At Trbovich Law Firm, our moving violation attorneys use various strategies to defend our clients:

Challenging the Evidence

We scrutinize all evidence, including radar gun readings, dashboard camera footage, and officer testimony. Any inconsistencies or errors can be used to build a strong defense.

Questioning Procedure

Our moving violation lawyers examine whether proper procedures were followed during the traffic stop and subsequent handling of your case. Any procedural errors can potentially lead to dismissal of charges.

Negotiating Plea Deals

In some cases, pleading to a lesser offense can result in fewer points and lower fines. Our experienced moving violation attorneys are skilled negotiators who can often secure favorable plea deals.

Exploring Alternative Programs

For some clients, especially first-time offenders, we may be able to arrange participation in traffic school or other programs that can help avoid points on your license.

Representing Commercial Drivers

As moving violation lawyers, we understand the unique challenges faced by commercial drivers. A single moving violation can jeopardize your commercial driver's license (CDL) and, consequently, your career. Our moving violation attorneys have extensive experience representing commercial drivers and understand the federal regulations that govern CDLs.

We work diligently to protect your CDL by:

  • Fighting to reduce charges to non-moving violations whenever possible
  • Exploring options for alternative dispositions that won't affect your CDL
  • Representing you in any administrative hearings related to your CDL

What To Do If You Have Been Charged With a Moving Violation in Buffalo

If you've been charged with a moving violation in Buffalo or Western New York, taking the right steps to protect your rights and minimize potential consequences is crucial. As experienced moving violation lawyers, we recommend the following actions:

Remain Calm and Cooperative

If you're pulled over, remain calm and be respectful to the officer. Avoid admitting guilt or arguing about the violation. Simply provide your license, registration, and insurance information as requested.

Document the Incident

As soon as possible after the incident, write down all the details you can remember. Note the time, location, weather conditions, and any other relevant factors. This information can be valuable to your moving violation attorney when building your defense.

Gather Evidence

If possible, take photos of the area where you received the ticket, especially if you believe there were obstructions or unclear signage that contributed to the violation. This evidence can be crucial for your moving violation lawyer in challenging the charges.

Don't Pay the Ticket Immediately

While it might seem easier to pay the fine and move on, doing so is an admission of guilt. This can result in points on your license and potential insurance rate increases. Instead, consult with a moving violation attorney before taking any action.

Check the Ticket for Errors

Review your ticket carefully for any mistakes in the information recorded. Errors in details like your license plate number, the location of the incident, or the specific violation cited could potentially be grounds for dismissal.

Consider Witness Statements

If there were passengers in your vehicle or other witnesses to the alleged violation, ask them to provide written statements about what they observed. Your moving violation lawyer can use these statements to support your defense.

Keep Track of Deadlines

Note the deadline for responding to your ticket. Missing this deadline can result in additional penalties or even a license suspension. A moving violation attorney can ensure all deadlines are met and proper procedures are followed.

Research the Specific Violation

Understanding the exact nature of the charge against you can be helpful. Look up the relevant New York traffic law and familiarize yourself with the potential penalties. This knowledge will help you have a more informed discussion with your moving violation lawyer.

Check Your Driving Record

Request a copy of your driving record from the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. This will help you and your moving violation attorney understand how the current charge might impact your license status.

Consult with a Moving Violation Lawyer

Perhaps most importantly, contact an experienced moving violation attorney as soon as possible. At Trbovich Law Firm, our moving violation lawyers can review your case, explain your options, and develop a strategy to defend against the charges.

Attend All Required Court Appearances

If you're required to appear in court, make sure you attend all scheduled hearings. Your moving violation attorney can represent you at these appearances, presenting your defense and arguing on your behalf.

Consider a Defensive Driving Course

In some cases, completing a defensive driving course can help reduce the impact of a moving violation on your driving record. Your moving violation lawyer can advise you on whether this option is beneficial in your specific situation.

Why Choose Trbovich Law Firm for Your Moving Violation Case?

When you're facing a moving violation, you need a lawyer who understands the intricacies of traffic law and has a proven track record of success. Here's why Trbovich Law Firm should be your choice:

  • Experience: Our moving violation attorneys have years of experience handling all types of traffic offenses in Buffalo and Western New York.
  • Local Knowledge: We're familiar with local courts, judges, and prosecutors, allowing us to navigate the system efficiently on your behalf.
  • Personalized Attention: We treat every case with the individual attention it deserves. Your moving violation lawyer will keep you informed throughout the process and be available to answer your questions
  • Proven Results: We have a strong track record of successfully reducing or dismissing moving violation charges for our clients.
  • Comprehensive Service: From your initial consultation through the resolution of your case, we'll be by your side every step of the way.

Don't Let a Moving Violation Impact Your Future

A moving violation may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can have lasting consequences on your driving record, insurance rates, and even your career. Don't face these charges alone. The experienced moving violation lawyers at Trbovich Law Firm are here to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact Trbovich Law Firm Today

If you're facing a moving violation in Buffalo or Western New York, don't wait to seek legal help. Contact Trbovich Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced moving violation attorneys. We'll review your case, explain your options, and develop a strategy to protect your driving record and your future.

Moving Violation Lawyer FAQs

As experienced moving violation lawyers, we often receive questions from clients about their cases. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and our responses:

Do I really need a moving violation lawyer for a simple traffic ticket?

While you're not legally required to hire a criminal defense attorney, having a moving violation lawyer can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Our attorneys can often negotiate reduced charges or penalties, potentially saving you money on fines and insurance increases in the long run.

Can a moving violation lawyer get my ticket dismissed?

While we can't guarantee a dismissal, our traffic ticket attorneys have a strong track record of getting charges reduced or dismissed. We'll thoroughly examine your case for any procedural errors or inconsistencies that could lead to dismissal.

How long will my case take to resolve?

The timeline can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case and the court's schedule. Your moving violation lawyer will work efficiently to resolve your case as quickly as possible while still ensuring the best possible outcome.

Will I have to go to court?

In many cases, your traffic attorney can appear on your behalf, saving you time and potential lost wages. However, some situations may require your presence. We'll advise you on whether you need to appear in court.

How will a moving violation affect my insurance rates?

Moving violations can lead to increased insurance premiums. However, by fighting the charges with the help of a moving violation lawyer, you may be able to avoid these increases or minimize their impact.

I'm a commercial driver. How will a moving violation affect my CDL?

Moving violations can have serious consequences for CDL holders, potentially jeopardizing your career. Our moving violation attorneys have extensive experience representing commercial drivers and understand the unique challenges you face.

Can I just pay the fine and be done with it?

While this might seem easier, paying the traffic citation fine is an admission of guilt and can result in points on your license and increased insurance rates. It's usually better to consult with a moving violation lawyer before taking any action.

What if I missed the deadline to respond to my ticket?

If you've missed a deadline, it's crucial to contact a moving violation attorney immediately. We may be able to file a motion to vacate the default judgment and help you avoid additional penalties.

Can a moving violation lawyer help if I've already accumulated points on my license?

Yes, a moving violation attorney can still help. We can work to prevent additional points and may be able to help you explore options for point reduction, such as defensive driving courses.

Can a moving violation result in jail time?

While most moving traffic violations don't result in jail time, some serious offenses like reckless driving or driving with a suspended license can potentially lead to imprisonment. A moving violation lawyer can work to help you avoid these severe penalties.

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